Greetings W.A.R. Family and Friends, Spring Conference Updates.
Trusting that this message finds you well and rejoicing in the God of our Salvation.
Once again, Happy New Year and welcome to 2024.
This is your reminder that our Spring Conference is fast approaching. We look forward to seeing you March 13-15 in Chattanooga, TN.
We have an awesome program lined up that includes great Word, wonderful fellowship, and delicious food.
You can be a part of this experience by doing two things:
First, register and purchase your lunch tickets here. Registration is required to attend all day sessions.
Second, use the Embassy Suites hotel link to make reservations for your stay in Chattanooga. The group rate of $149 per night is good for the entire week starting Monday, March 11 and ending Saturday, March 16.
Please note that the last day to make your hotel reservations is February 13, 2024. Once the block closes we cannot guarantee the group rate for your reservations, so please book today.

As always, please contact the Administrative Team at if you have any questions.